The main instrument is called Berimbau. It has one string and a sound body and its origin is certainly also from Africa. The Berimbau directs the style and speed and also interruptions of the game. In in complete Regional roda, there are 3 Berimbaus. One has big sound body which sounds a deep tone (Gunga), one with a medium sound body with medium deep tone (Media), and one with a small sound body and a high tone (Viola). All three play different variations of a rhythm in coordination; the Gunga plays the basic rhythm, the Media plays a counter-rhythm and the Viola plays variations. The different rhythms are called Torques and direct the style of movement for the Capoeristas. An Atabaque (drum) and one or two Pandeiros (tambourines) accompany the Berimbaus. In the traditional Capoeira, there was also the Agogo and the Recoreco. Apart from the instruments, singing almost always accompanies the game. The songs often tell stories about famous Capoeristas, the Capoeira history or masters from the present, but may also be poetic. There is always a solo singer whose long or short verses are answered by the choir. Often (and always in Capoeira Angola), the Roda start with a long song called Ladainha.
Rhythms (toques):
Benguela | Sao Bento Pequeno | Sao Bento Grande de Angola |
Sao Bento Grade da Regional | Iuna | Santa Maria |
Amazonas | Cavaleria | Idalina |
Angola | Samba de roda |